Package JSci.maths.wavelet

Interface Summary
Filter This interface is used to define wavelet filters.

Class Summary
BasisFunctionLibrary This class is meant to be used for Fast Wavelet Transform, Matching Pursuit and related signal processing algorithm.
Cascades This class is a standard implementation of the Cascades algorithm.
Cosine This class is used to be able to mix the wavelet and cosine transforms.
DiscreteFunction This class is used to be able to mix the wavelet and other type of functions such as given signals.
DiscreteHilbertSpace This class provides support for basic operations on MultiscaleFunction.
FWT Abstract class for using very fast, in-place, implementations of the Fast Wavelet Transform.
FWTCoef This class is used to encapsulate wavelet coefficients.
FWTCoefMath This class allows to do some operations on wavelet coefficients
FWTPacketCoef This class is used to encapsulate wavelet packets coefficients.
MatchingPursuit A Wavelet (and more) matching pursuit class Uses adaptative Morse coding for better performance.
Multiresolution This class is used to encapsulate the various wavelet multiresolution (Dau2, Haar, ...).
MultiscaleFunction Abstract encapsulation mostly meant for wavelet functions (dyadic case).
Signal This class use the linear spline as a general model for a signal.
Sine This class is used to be able to mix the wavelet and sine transforms.

Exception Summary
IllegalScalingException This exception is used to indicate that the current chosen multiresolution is not appropriate because the number of scaling functions is incompatible (with the multiresolution).