Class Multiresolution

  extended byJSci.maths.wavelet.Multiresolution
Direct Known Subclasses:
CDF2_4, CDF3_5, Daubechies2, Daubechies3, Daubechies4, Daubechies5, Daubechies6, Daubechies7, Daubechies8, MultiSplineHaar

public abstract class Multiresolution
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used to encapsulate the various wavelet multiresolution (Dau2, Haar, ...). It assumes that your are working with the dyadic case and with real numbers. It is meant to provide only the most basic methods in order to be as general as possible. Also, for performance considerations, this class should be as light as possible. However, in practice, it is useful to put most of the actual implementation in a multiresolution object instead of spreading it over many objects.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  MultiscaleFunction dualScaling(int n0, int k)
abstract  MultiscaleFunction dualWavelet(int n0, int k)
abstract  int getFilterType()
          This method is used to compute how the number of scaling functions changes from on scale to the other.
 int previousDimension(int k)
          This method return the number of "scaling" functions at the previous scale given a number of scaling functions.
abstract  MultiscaleFunction primaryScaling(int n0, int k)
abstract  MultiscaleFunction primaryWavelet(int n0, int k)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Multiresolution()
Method Detail


public abstract int getFilterType()
This method is used to compute how the number of scaling functions changes from on scale to the other. Basically, if you have k scaling function and a Filter of type t, you'll have 2*k+t scaling functions at the next scale (dyadic case). Notice that this method assumes that one is working with the dyadic grid while the method "previousDimension" define in the interface "Filter" doesn't.


public abstract MultiscaleFunction primaryScaling(int n0,
                                                  int k)


public abstract MultiscaleFunction dualScaling(int n0,
                                               int k)


public abstract MultiscaleFunction primaryWavelet(int n0,
                                                  int k)


public abstract MultiscaleFunction dualWavelet(int n0,
                                               int k)


public int previousDimension(int k)
This method return the number of "scaling" functions at the previous scale given a number of scaling functions. The answer is always smaller than the provided value (about half since this is a dyadic implementation). This relates to the same idea as the "Filter type". It is used by the interface "Filter". If needed it should be overwritten, in particular, for performance considerations.