Interface Summary | |
Control | An object that privides Components that control or show something about it |
Dimensions | An object that has a Dimension |
ImageFilter | An object that filters frames |
ImageSink | An object that reads frames |
ImageSource | An object that delivers frames (typically, a framegrabber) |
Overlay | This class defines an object that can be put on an image |
ParticleTracker | An interface for objects that can look for the position of some objects in an image, and measure their coordinates |
ParticleTrackerListener | Interface for an object that is interested to receive the coordinates measured by a ParticleTracker. |
PositionControl | Describes a mechanical device that can control the position of something |
ROI | A Region Of Interest, that is a region delimited by a polygon, that can be moved with the mouse. |
Class Summary | |
DummyPositionControl | A simple PositionControl that does nothing! |
Image | Describes a frame, that holds the informations to access an image |
ImageFilterAdapter | An object that filters frames. |
Player | An object that creates an animated image from a ImageSource. |
PositionControlAdapter | A mechanical device that can control the position of something. |
PTCroquette | an Effect that does the particle tracking in 3D, for symmetric images |
PTCroquetteCross | Data about a cross that can be put on an image, follow the center, find the height |
PTTemplate | Find a given template in a two dimensional image. |
PTTemplate.SimulatedBarycentreSource | |
PTTemplateCross | Locating a template in the image |
PTTwoDBarycentre | Find a bead in two dimensions; Barycentre algorithm |
PTTwoDBarycentre.SimulatedBarycentreSource | |
PTTwoDBarycentreCross | |
RectangularROI | A rectangular Region Of Interest |
ROIAdapter | A Region Of Interest class adapter |
Simulated | |
TestImageSource | An object that delivers sample frames |
TwoROI | A ROI made by two rectangular regions, one inside the other (two levels of interest) |