Interface ParticleTracker

All Superinterfaces:
Control, Dimensions, ImageFilter, ImageSink, ImageSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
PTCroquette, PTTemplate, PTTwoDBarycentre

public interface ParticleTracker
extends ImageFilter

An interface for objects that can look for the position of some objects in an image, and measure their coordinates

Method Summary
 void setListener(ParticleTrackerListener ptl)
          Sets the object that wants to receive the data collected by the particle tracker.
Methods inherited from interface JSci.instruments.ImageSource
Methods inherited from interface JSci.instruments.Control
Methods inherited from interface JSci.instruments.Dimensions
getHeight, getSize, getWidth
Methods inherited from interface JSci.instruments.ImageSink
receive, setSource

Method Detail


public void setListener(ParticleTrackerListener ptl)
Sets the object that wants to receive the data collected by the particle tracker.

ptl - the object that receives the data; each time a new image is processed, ptl.receivePosition() is called.