Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector

Uses of Vector in jsci.maths.matrix

Methods in jsci.maths.matrix that return Vector
 Vector<T,F> Matrix.act(Vector<T,F> v)

Methods in jsci.maths.matrix with parameters of type Vector
 Vector<T,F> Matrix.act(Vector<T,F> v)

Uses of Vector in jsci.maths.vector

Subclasses of Vector in jsci.maths.vector
 class DoubleVector<E extends DoubleArray1D>

Methods in jsci.maths.vector that return Vector
 Vector<T,E> Vector.add(Vector<T,E> v)
 Vector<T,E> Vector.scalarMultiply(T r)

Methods in jsci.maths.vector with parameters of type Vector
 Vector<T,E> Vector.add(Vector<T,E> v)
 boolean Vector.equals(Vector<T,?> v, double tol)