Class Summary |
CantorDust |
The CantorDust class provides an object that encapsulates the Cantor dust fractal. |
CatMap |
The CatMap class provides an object that encapsulates the cat map. |
GingerbreadManMap |
The GingerbreadManMap class provides an object that encapsulates the gingerbread man map. |
HenonMap |
The HenonMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Henon map. |
JuliaSet |
The JuliaSet class provides an object that encapsulates Julia sets. |
KochCurve |
The KochCurve class provides an object that encapsulates the Koch curve. |
LogisticMap |
The LogisticMap class provides an object that encapsulates the logistic map. |
MandelbrotMap |
The MandelbrotMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Mandelbrot map. |
MandelbrotSet |
The MandelbrotSet class provides an object that encapsulates the Mandelbrot set. |
StandardMap |
The StandardMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Standard map. |