Class RandomMap

  extended byJSci.util.RandomMap
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComplexMapping, Mapping

public final class RandomMap
extends java.lang.Object
implements Mapping, ComplexMapping

This class defines a random map.

Field Summary
static RandomMap MAP
          A random map that generates numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a random map with the range [0.0,1.0].
RandomMap(double minimum, double maximum)
          Constructs a random map with a specified range.
Method Summary
 Complex map(Complex z)
          A user-defined complex function.
 double map(double x)
          A user-defined function.
 Complex map(double real, double imag)
          A user-defined complex function.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final RandomMap MAP
A random map that generates numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.

Constructor Detail


public RandomMap()
Constructs a random map with the range [0.0,1.0].


public RandomMap(double minimum,
                 double maximum)
Constructs a random map with a specified range.

minimum - smallest random number to generate
maximum - largest random number to generate
Method Detail


public double map(double x)
Description copied from interface: Mapping
A user-defined function.

Specified by:
map in interface Mapping


public Complex map(Complex z)
Description copied from interface: ComplexMapping
A user-defined complex function.

Specified by:
map in interface ComplexMapping


public Complex map(double real,
                   double imag)
Description copied from interface: ComplexMapping
A user-defined complex function. This method is designed to save the construction of a Complex object in cases where one is not given.

Specified by:
map in interface ComplexMapping