Package JSci.maths.categories

Interface Summary
Bifunctor This interface defines a bifunctor.
Category This interface defines a category.
Category.HomSet This interface defines a hom-set.
Category.Morphism This interface defines a morphism in a category.
Functor This interface defines a functor.
NaturalTransformation This interface defines a natural transformation.

Class Summary
FinSet The FinSet class encapsulates the category FinSet.
Hilb The Hilb class encapsulates the category Hilb.
HomFunctor The HomFunctor class encapsulates the hom-bifunctor.
Preorder The Preorder class encapsulates preorders as categories.
Simplicial The Simplicial class encapsulates the simplicial category.

Exception Summary
UndefinedCompositionException This exception occurs when trying to compose two morphisms whose composition is undefined.