Class WaveletMath

  extended byJSci.maths.AbstractMath
      extended byJSci.maths.WaveletMath

public final class WaveletMath
extends AbstractMath

The wavelet math library. This class cannot be subclassed or instantiated because all methods are static.

Method Summary
static Complex[] downsample(Complex[] filter, Complex[] data)
          Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme.
static double[] downsample(double[] filter, double[] data)
          Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme.
static double[] lowToHigh(double[] v)
          Returns the highpass filter from the lowpass filter using Cohen's formula.
static Complex[] upsample(Complex[] data)
          Insertion of zeros between every other data point in 1D.
static Complex[] upsample(Complex[] filter, Complex[] data)
          Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme.
static double[] upsample(double[] data)
          Insertion of zeros between every other data point in 1D.
static double[] upsample(double[] filter, double[] data)
          Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Complex[] downsample(Complex[] filter,
                                   Complex[] data)
Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme. Downsampling of a set of data points in base 2 with an arbitrary filter using zero-padding at the boundaries in 1D.

an array half the length of the input data[] as long as data.length was even.


public static double[] downsample(double[] filter,
                                  double[] data)
Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme. Downsampling of a set of data points in base 2 with an arbitrary filter using zero-padding at the boundaries in 1D.

an array half the length of the input data[] as long as data.length was even.


public static Complex[] upsample(Complex[] data)
Insertion of zeros between every other data point in 1D.

an array twice as long as the input data[].


public static double[] upsample(double[] data)
Insertion of zeros between every other data point in 1D.

an array twice as long as the input data[].


public static Complex[] upsample(Complex[] filter,
                                 Complex[] data)
Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme. Upsampling of a set of data points in base 2 with an arbitrary filter using zero-padding at the boundaries in 1D.

an array twice as long as the input data[].


public static double[] upsample(double[] filter,
                                double[] data)
Part of the Fast Wavelet Scheme. Upsampling of a set of data points in base 2 with an arbitrary filter using zero-padding at the boundaries in 1D.

an array twice as long as the input data[].


public static double[] lowToHigh(double[] v)
Returns the highpass filter from the lowpass filter using Cohen's formula.