Package JSci.maths.chaos

Class Summary
CantorDust The CantorDust class provides an object that encapsulates the Cantor dust fractal.
CatMap The CatMap class provides an object that encapsulates the cat map.
GingerbreadManMap The GingerbreadManMap class provides an object that encapsulates the gingerbread man map.
HenonMap The HenonMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Henon map.
JuliaSet The JuliaSet class provides an object that encapsulates Julia sets.
KochCurve The KochCurve class provides an object that encapsulates the Koch curve.
LogisticMap The LogisticMap class provides an object that encapsulates the logistic map.
MandelbrotMap The MandelbrotMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Mandelbrot map.
MandelbrotSet The MandelbrotSet class provides an object that encapsulates the Mandelbrot set.
StandardMap The StandardMap class provides an object that encapsulates the Standard map.